Book and Magazine design

Brand design is all about creating a brand identity that perfectly reflects your brand. A brand designer can create elements that shape your company's branding design and represent your brand's personality.

Our professional and experienced artists provide graphics which are a perfect combination of concepts, images, and typography. Covers should do justice to the quality of content within. Creative book cover designs are very significant these days and hence it makes more sense to offshore these creative jobs to places where the availability of skilled resources is high and pricing is cost-effective.

The world of book and magazine publication has changed rapidly in recent years. New digital formats are available and people read books and magazines on a variety of devices. But traditional books and magazines are still being published and still being read.

Magazine layout

We are experienced with InDesign, Xpress, Photoshop, and other programs for creating great magazine templates. A magazine is a periodical publication which is printed in the gloss-coated and matte paper. Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content.

You need this basic understanding of how the process works so that you know where to place everything. This means knowing what content or photo to ensure the success of every page in your magazine. The publication printing process is no easy feat for the creative and technical people working behind a publication printing business. They go through extensive planning and long hours of discussion.


E-book, in a full electronic book, the digital file containing a body of text and images suitable for distributing electronically and displaying on-screen in a manner similar to a printed book.

The aim of eBooks is to simplify and enhance the overall learning experience. Digital Books make the learning process more interactive and engaging. Instead of listening to one person continuously talking, students can now actively participate in the learning process.

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Al Ain, Abu Dhabi
PO BOX 20673

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